Mijo (1980, about the painter Mijo Kovačić, 20 min)
Hvalen budi – Blessed Be (1981, about the painter Ivan Večenaj, 20 min)
Hrvatski Božić – Croatian Christmas (1981, 45 min)
Hrvatska naivna umjetnost – Croatian Naïve Art (1984, 45 min, narrated by Martin Sheen)
Međugorje, Gospi u pohode – Medjugorje, Visiting the Madonna (1984, 30 min)
Sakralna umjetnost u Hrvata – Sacral Art in Croatia (1985, 90 min, narrated by Martin Sheen)
Jordan (1985, about the painter Vasilije Jordan, 15 min)
Lijepa naša – Our Beautiful Homeland (1986, the first film about Croatia, 85 min)
Vedro podnebesje – Clear Skies (1986, film about the Herzegovinian Franciscan Province, 80 min)
Jeste li bili u Zagrebu, gospodine Lumiere – Have you been to Zagreb, Mr Lumiere (1987, film about Zagrebu between 1900 to 1941, 90 min)
Hrvatska i Hrvati – Croatia and the Croats (1988, 69 min)
Stepinac-znak vremena – Stepinac: Sign of the Times (1988, 59 min)
Jugoslavenska armija i srpski teroristi – The Yugoslav Army and Serbian Terrorists (1991, 20 min, narrated by Martin Sheen)
Krvavi Uskrs – Bloody Easter (1991, 15 min)
Nepoznati dio Holokausta, Srbija 1941-1945 – The Unknown Holocaust, Serbia 1941-1945 (1992, 20 min, narrated by Sally Kelermann)
Hrvatska – Croatia (1996, 45 min, narrated by Martin Sheen)
Mozart of Basketball (1996, about Dražen Petrović, 55 min, narrated by Michael York)
Tuđman – hrvatski George Washington – Tudjman: Croatian George Washington (1997, 59 min, narrated by Martin Sheen)
Židovi i Hrvatska – The Jews and Croatia (1998, 80 min)
Anđeli rata – Angels of War (1998, 30 min, about Željka Jurić, a child who survived the atrocities of Vukovar)
To je put – This Is the Way (1999, about Samuel Schlesinger, 38 min)
Mostovi sjećanja – Bridges of Memories (1999, about the painter Tamar Hirschl, 30 min)
Almira (2001, about the ballerina Almira Osmanović, 50 min)
Brač, Dalmacija, Hrvatska – Brač, Dalmatia, Croatia (2002, 15 min)
Barak (2002. 55 min. , story about Israeli polititian Ehud Barak)
Sudbina mi nije dala da odem – Fate Did not Let Me Go (2002, 20 min, narrated by Liv Ullmann i Martin Sheen)
Hrvatske katedrale – Croatian Cathedrals (2003, 55 min)
Slavenska (2003, about the ballerina Mija Ćorak Slavenska, 45 min)
Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu – The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb (2003, 14 min)
Yudith (2005, about Yudith Arnon, the “mother“ of Israel’s modern dance, 40 min)
Kad mrtvi glasuju – When the Dead Vote (2006, about B. Mikšić and election fraud in Croatia, 55 min, narrated by Nastassia Kinski)
Petnaest do osam – Fifteen to Eight (2006, about Motti Hod, Commander of the Israeli Air Force, 58 min)
Maestro (2007, about the composer Boris Papandopulo, 50 min)
Lav koji plače – The Weeping Lion (2007, story about Ariel Sharon, 55 min)
Mayim, Mayim (2007, about a dance show that deals with the sufferings of children during WWII)
Nema više heroja – No More Heroes (2007, about Meir Amit, commander of the Israeli Secret Service “Mossad“, 37 min)
Sinjska Alka (2007, 45 min)
Židovi i Ukrajina – The Jews and Ukraine (2008, 55 min, narrated by Armand Assante)
Vizija u pustinji – Vision in the Desert (2008, about the dancer Veselko Suljić, 45 min)
Letica (2008, about the distinguished diaspora Croat Ilija Letica, 59 min)
Đapić (2008, about Ante Đapić, 50 min)
Hrvatska, ljubavi moja – Croatia, My Love (2008, about Ante Gotovina, 60 min)
Tražeći Orsona – Searching for Orson (2008, about the unknown films and life of Orson Welles, 80 min, with Peter Bogdanovich, Steven Spielberg, Paul Mazursky, Oja Kodar…)
Šparemblek (2009, about the dancer and choreographer Milko Šparemblek, 50 min)
Lika ili Gospićko-senjska biskupija – Lika or Diocese of Gospić-Senj (2009, 59 min)
Gotovac (2009, about the composer Jakov Gotovac, 53 min)
Tuđman (2009, 55 min, the documentary also includes the complete interview with President Franjo Tuđman)
Pravednik Stepinac – Righteous Stepinac (2009, 55 min)
Pavelić bez maske – Pavelić Unmasked (2010, 59 min)
Tito bez maske – Tito Unmasked (2010, 59 min)
Yulia (2010, about Ukraine’s former president Yulia Tymoshenko, 57 min, narrated by Armand Assante, with Vaclav Havel, Paulo Coelho…)
Hrvatska, tugo moja – Croatia, My Sorrow (2010, about contemporary Europe and the rule of injustice, 74 min)
Ruža (2010, about the opera singer Ruža Pospiš Baldani, 50 min)
Istra ili Porečko-pulska biskupija – Istra or Diocese of Poreč-Pula (2010, 60 min)
Bošković (2011, about the scientist Ruđer Bošković, 50 min)
Bitka za Dajlu – Fight for Dajla (2011, about the Italian attempt to steal Croatian property in Istria, 57 min)
Nije moja duša prazna – My Soul Is Not Empty (2011, about the singer and songwriter Ivan Puljić, 43 min)
Židovi i Hrvatska – Jews and Croatia (2011, 60 min)
Hrvati i njihovi franjevci u USA i Canadi – The Croats and their Franciscans in Canada and the USA (2011, 80 min)
Hrvati i Srbi, povijest jedne averzije – The Croats and the Serbs: The History of an Aversion (2011, 85 min)
Hrvatska katolička župa sv. Ćirila i Metoda u New Yorku – The Croatian Parish of Sts. Cyril & Methodius in New York (2012, 60 min)
Ljubav koja ne poznaje granica – The Love that Knows no Boundaries (2012, 30 min)
Glasonoša promjena – Herald of Change (2012, about the Croatian Embassy in Canberra in 1977, 60 min)
Tko želi ubiti Juliju Timošenko – Who Wants to Kill Yulia Tymoshenko (2012, 55 min)
Požega (2013, 50 min)
Trčeći za svjetlom – Chasing the Light (about the painter Toni Franović, with Monika Leskovar, 2013, 30 min)
Julija, ona koja se nikada ne predaje – Yulia, Who Never Gives Up (about the prison days of Yulia Tymoshenko, 2014, 32 min))
Hrvatski klubovi Geelong i Footscray – Croatian Clubs Geelong and Footscray (2014, 60 min)
Jasenovac-istina – Jasenovac: The Truth (2015, 59 min)
Povijest zagrebačkog športa – The History of Sports in Zagreb (2016, 25 min)
Anne Frank-nekad i danas – Anne Frank: Then and Now (the first film about The Diary of Anne Frank in Arabic, 2016, 63 min)
Pravednica Ciganka – The Righteous Gypsy (the story of the only Gypsy woman honoured by Israel as “Righteous among the Nations”, 2016, 32 min)
Snaga tišine – Power of Silence (2016, film about Braco, Croatian alternative healer, 2016, 56 min)
Nisam se bojao umrijeti – I Was Not Afraid To Die (docudrama about the patriotic mission of Anton Kikaš, 2016, 112 min; starring Andrej Dojkić, Armand Assante…)
University of Zagreb – Sveučilište u Zagrebu (2017, film about 350th anniversary of University of Zagreb, 20. min)
The Child from the basket – Dijete iz paketa (2017, Story about Croatian women honoured by Israel as Righteous among the nations, 30 min.)
Sto godina srbijanskoga terora u Hrvatskoj – Century of Serbian terror in Croatia (2018, story about 100. Anniversary of Yugoslavia, 60 min)
Croats and Australia – Hrvati i Australija (2018, First documentary about history of Croatian people in Australia)
From Mossad to Eichmann – Od Mosada do Eichmanna(2018, about Mossad agent Rafi Eitan, who caught Adolf Eichmann)
Croatian sport legends – Hrvatske sportske legende (2019, about legendary Croats in history of world sport)
Croatian Righteous – Hrvatski pravednici (2021, about Croatian Righteous among the nations)
The Blue Coat, 30 years later (2022, film about the fate of Željka Jurić Mitrović)
The Houses of Light (2022, Franco Nero, James Earl Jones and Magdalena Modrić)
Amazing 11 (2022, film about the success of the Croatian football team at the World Cup in Russia 2018, with the participation of all football players and coach)